Please design and submit a Hackfest Shirt JPEG (with transparencies as appropriate) in a Tee Shirt size. All designs will be displayed and voted on by Linux Security Community.
The winning shirt will be created in a variety of sizes for men and women and taken to DefCon XXI for fundraising for Hackfest activities (and provides to our community as Flags after successful lab exploits).
The deadline for the shirt design is June 15, 2013. Voting will be announced via the PLUG List with oversight by David Demland DeVry Adjunct teacher.
Remember, this is a HACKFEST shirt, so your designs which would appropriate for PLUG only with happy little penguins might not be such a great idea.
Anything related to ownership/free speech/rebel politics that doesn't also address computer security is also probably not going to fly.
Other requirements:
No profanity
No nudity
No copyrighted content
To submit your designs, please email me offlist.
If you would like to ride share with us (for Saturday/Sunday only) to Las Vegas, please respond to the Security-List.
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