I think I'd pay to watch the gila monster event... :)

I personally don't care if something is on topic or not.   My solution is to ignore or delete anything I don't care to read.  I don't have the extra energy to waste getting upset every time someone might say something that offends me or that I don't agree with.  I don't have to agree with people to respect them.  For anyone that gets livid over such things I say this:
      Such things are really not important...don't you have real problems to solve?

We live in a world of empowerment now...people no longer are forced to read emails.  There is a magical button in your email client that allows you remove messages you don't want to see!  If you're using Google mail (and many others) you can even set up mail filters so you NEVER see email from people that annoy you. 

If people don't respond to off topic posts guess how long those threads will last?


On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 1:11 PM, Derek Trotter <expat.arizonan@gmail.com> wrote:
Here's my solution to this problem.  Make it a rule that anyone who posts an off topic post gets a gila monster put down their pants.