I've just enabled Topics on this mailing list. By default you should continue to receive all the mail like you always have.
If you really don't want to receive messages that have OT:or Politics: in their subject line, you can enable topics by choosing any topic in the settings for your account on the mailing list.
You have to select at least one topic to turn on topics. I've setup a topic that keys on the word Linux that you can select to turn on topics for yourself. You will also want to select Yes on the question "Do you want to receive messages that do not match any topic filter?". If you don't you will ONLY get messages with the word Linux in the subject.
Once you have topics turns on you will no longer receive messages that are flagged with OT: or Politics: (Unless you have also selected that you want them).
Keep in mind that most messages that are Flagged with OT really are on topic. For those of us that are getting all the messages we should be good at removeing the OT from the message when this happens.
If you really don't care, don't do anything and you should continue to receive messages the same way as you always have.
Of course if you are a person that decides that you need to ram your off topic of political message down peoples throats by continually removing the OT or Politics from your message, you will quickly find yourself moderated... so don't do it. Unless of course the conversation has sung back on topic.
Please let me know ASAP if you see any weirdness. This is something that I have never setup on a mailing list and I'm just hoping that it doesn't go terribly wrong.
I hope this helps those PLUGgers that dislike the off topic messages. I personally don't care, they almost never last very long unless it's an off topic conversion complaining about off topic conversation :)
Brian Cluff