Hmm. All I can say is that I don’t’ recall having that problem with any of my home laser printers - I’ve had an Apple Laserwriter II, an HP or 2 (what, HP 5? Don’t remember), and a color HP of some variety.
Are the input guides set to the exact width of the paper?
Other than that, I’ve no clue, sorry.
From: [] On Behalf Of Mark Jarvis
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 10:00 PM
To: Main PLUG discussion list
Subject: OT: laser printer question
We have an HP 1018 laser printer. It is not good about keeping the paper in alignment as the paper goes through the printer. For example, if the page has a box 1/2" from the edges, the paper can slew slightly so that the printed lines can be 1/8" closer to the edge at the top than at the bottom (or vice versa). This happens from 25% to 60% of the time. For most things, who cares? But if you're printing the master pages that will be used to make copies of a newsletter, it is very bad. Trying to get copies with even margins from a slewed master is not fun.
Unfortunately, I have never seen a printer review that addressed keeping the paper straight & in line as it goes through the machine. Does anyone have a recommendation for a (reasonably priced) printer that does a good job of this? Or even the name of a forum where I can go for advice?