Craigslist is one option, as is ebay.
What is that entity that takes old stuff and gives it to other charities?
Goodwill is good (no pun intended!), as is saver’s. Salvation Army takes stuff too, they are good as well. I’m probably missing one – oh, you could always try to donate to your local school, but I doubt they’d be really prepared for that.
All that being said, ‘for the right price’ I might be interested in one of the routers (and MAYBE one of the switches, but probably not). Since plug strips email addresses (a feature, not a bug!), you can reach me at rusty dot Carruth at smarth dotcom.
From: [] On Behalf Of Larry Lauer
Sent: Monday, November 25, 2013 9:22 PM
Subject: OT Old Cisco Hardware
Hey all,
Sorry if this gets posted twice I tried earlier and it didn't seem to go to the list. I have 2 Cisco catalyst 2520 routers and 2 1900 switches. Anybody want them or anyone know where to donate them. Goodwill maybe. I am in Chandler. Thanks.
Larry L.