That's great news that the PLUG talks are recorded.  Can you or Brian please provide a link?

Love the Doctor Who quote!

Big time Rory & River fan,

pee.ess. My car is named after a companion! :D

From: "der.hans" <>

moin moin,

awesome random signature quote for this email :).

Brian has been recording and post-producing the talks for us the last few
months. We have more queued to go online when he gets back in town, but
that won't be until after this months's meeting.

This month's topic is fairly universal and it would be good to have it
online after the talk. I have a camera that does video, but it
automagically cuts off after 30 minutes :(.

If you have a video camera that can record HD and will be at the meeting
on Thursday, please let me know.

Also, if you have a good microphone we can use.


# "You want weapons? We're in a library! Books! The best weapons in the
# world! This room's the greatest arsenal we could have - arm yourselves!"
# -- the Doctor: Doctor Who, Tooth and Claw, 2006