The whole video will fit on an sd card and that will fit in an envelope. Stick it in the mail and three days later they'll have it.
Or not.
Are you sure they’ll know what to do with it?
What will you do when they call and say they lost it, or accidentally erased the files, or … ?
And let’s not overlook the need to write some kind of identifier on the thing in case you send them several over time.
Anyway, in an era where attention spans are getting shorter and “instant gratification” is driving a steady shift in buying patterns, it’s nice to know that some folks simply won’t be swayed by what the marketplace is saying.
Seems like quite a hassle to avoid … what exactly?
Tell me that several SD cards, envelopes, postage, and the time it takes to deal with this stuff is not costing you more than $10/month?
Do you not value your time at all?