So the past week or so, google spyware seems to be hitting a new high, in that almost all services of theirs randomly just stop working, and no amount of restarting a tab or a page works. I simply need to restart the browser entirely in this case firefox. This is a pain for me as I run of profiles I need to restart every time too, some 6 of them.
I use gmail, paid gmail, for both my personal account (this) and my business as separate profiles. My business one works, my personal does not, so this is something upstream, not local. I've had hangouts/voice just refuse to load, even gmail itself. Watching f12 network debugs, everything loads, just google end craps out, and I just get spinning wheels and error urls. I'm at the point of seriously WTF?
I got around to complain about google to google, seeing I pay for this crap even, their help site craps out in the same fashion. I can't even seem to complain.
Anyone else ever run into this with google services under firefox? I run noscript and adblock, but allow most of the google domains that aren't blatant spyware. I've even allowed the spyware like googletagmanager and various add urls, but it's just sorta... broken upstream.
I moved pretty much my life to google with my phone to google voice, my domain to gsuite, all my sms via hangouts, but lately it's simply become unreliable and really starting to rethink how wise it was to put my eggs into the google basket seeing I can't even pay enough to make it work.