floppy error

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Author: arson smith
Subject: floppy error
Of course when you try to mount with it floppy your probe is going to fail.

OK that was bad I'm sorry I have never heard of that error
but it probly has something to do with the way it probes the
floppy drive to see if there is a disk in it???? I really
have no idea though.

Bill warner

>From: (Joel Dudley)
>To: <>
>Subject: floppy error
>Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2000 15:15:16 -0700
>Hmmmm, on my red hat 6.1 server, I get the following error when I try to
>mount the floppy:
>floppy0: probe failed
>anyone ever have this problem? found many people on the net who had this
>problem, but never found any solutions. Thanks in advance.
>- Joel
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