Respawn ID

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Subject: Respawn ID
I have seen this alot before. try disableing gdm
on startup. it is usually because of the x font
server not starting right and gdm starting and dieing
due to the xserver dieing. I can never remember exactly
how to fix it but it seems that if, during that 5 minutes
you start xfs then the next time gdm will start fine.
other wise check in /etc/inittab tord the end of the file
should something about executeing gdm with a respawn option
uncoment this line and the system should come up fine
then you will need to find out for sure what is causeing
gdm to die on you.

Bill Warner

>From: "John Bartlett" <>
>Subject: Respawn ID
>Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2000 04:16:56 GMT
>I have a server running TurboLinux 6.0.2, and yesterday, I shutdown, and
>when I rebooted it, after reaching the login prompt, I get an error message
>that says; "INIT: Id "3" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes"
>There are equivilent messages relating to Id's "5", and "6".
>Does anyone know why this is, I've never had this problem before. And is
>there any way to set the respawn to be slower?
>    Josh
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