Maybe create a FAQ and allow the people who use the different distros to
write in and say what they feel are the pros and the cons of each distro
they use, then others can view that and possibly agree with what someone
says and think, yeah that's the one for me...
That would be a great addition. I get friends asking me all the time, and
naturally I'm biased towards slackware... But that isn't the best answer
for everyone.
Other ideas?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kevin Buettner" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 3:45 PM
Subject: Re: install parties?
> On Jul 24, 11:50am, Steven M. Klass wrote:
> > > Slackware is a bit rough around the edges. [...]
> >
> > Slackware is the best distro out there. [...]
> I don't wish for this to be seen as a personal attack on Steve;
> actually I don't blame him for countering what seemed to be a slur on
> his favorite distribution.
> BUT...
> I really do think this mailing list can be put to better use than to
> endlessly debate which distribution is better. The fact of the matter
> is that all of the surviving distributions have something to offer.
> If they didn't, they wouldn't be around any longer. (Think back a
> year or two or three; there are definitely some distros that you don't
> hear about anymore.)
> The "which distro is better" question is a FAQ and a reasonable answer
> ought to be on the PLUG web pages somewhere. When someone takes it
> upon themselves to ask this question, we should patiently (and politely)
> post the link which provides the answer.
> There are other questions that seem to get asked a lot too. Things
> like how to securely transfer a file from one machine to another and
> how to deal with xinetd ought to appear in a PLUG authored FAQ with
> answers.
> Kevin
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