I said I strongly dislike Lisp and I dislike Python, As to why, Lisp
hurts the brain, so I avoid it, Python is an odd language that is
positionally sensitive, I thought I had gotten away from that when I
left punch cards behind.
If Python was not positionally sensitive I'd more then likely use it for
some things. Indentation style should not matter to actually running the
code. What happens should I open a Python file in an editor that changes
spaces to tabs or vicevirsa? The code could become broken, leaving it
un-runnable that is what happens.
Yes memory management in C requires some expertise to use correctly, and
I agree with ESR that cml2 could not be written in shell, however
forcing an install of Python is a waste of space. Because of it I am
forced to build kernels on a different machine and scp them to the space
constrained machines I have, the old system used to fit, the new one
does not. Oh well.
By the by if this email comes through as an attachemnt somebody let be
know, I've been tring out Evolution 1.0 and I might have to stop using
it if it is converting things into attachemts.
On Fri, 2002-02-01 at 00:36, Sriram Thaiyar wrote:
> is esr a competent hacker? obviously. why did he choose python? read the
> cml2 paper under www.tuxedo.org/~esr/cml2 and find out. his complex system
> cannot be practically done in shell script. c was rejected by esr because
> it didn't have automatic memory management, the cause of most bugs. shell
> script do have its places as does c as does python . for example,
> `install-cml2' in the current cml2 distribution has about 50 lines of shell
> script (i just downloaded it) to check for a valid python version, before
> it does a `$python - $python <<EOF' to the other 300 lines or so, which is
> in python. good for shell script, good for python. but following the
> "coverting mp3 to wav" thread, even a small shell script gives
> problems.....
> better - easier for the developer to develop in, more fun for him to
> develop in since he is not getting paid, easier for him to maintain.
> i wonder why you hate lisp and dislike python. i don't hate shell
> scripting...
> * David Mandala <david.mandala@developonline.com>:
> | [snip]On Thu, 2002-01-31 at 17:17, Sriram Thaiyar wrote:
> | >
> | > |
> | > | > - (i think that
> | > | > not forcing the user to upgrade unnecessarily is a Good Thing.
> | > |
> | > | Am I the only one who hasn't a clue what you're talking about here?
> | >
> | >
> | > what i am saying here is this: most people program in shell script because
> | > that what is guraanteed to be on any system; but why not make the user
> | > upgrade? what's is wrong with making the user upgrade if the program they
> | > are going to use is not only better, but handles more features and more
> | > convienent for them?
> | >
> |
> | In response to this I'd say a couple of things:
> |
> | 1) define better.
> |
> | Just because you like a different language does not make it better, I
> | may be running a very space constrained system and more/bigger is not
> | better. For example I have a couple of systems that have 72 Meg hard
> | disks (yes that is correct 72 MEG) and 8 Meg of RAM. I can not install
> | any more software, but I do have shell installed.
> |
> | 2) define more convienent
> | Just because you like a language does not make it better. I strongly
> | dislike lisp, I do not install it on any of my systems, forcing me to
> | waste space for something that could be written in shell is not smart
> | nor is it more convienent for me, I would have to go through more work
> | just to install something I would normally never use.
> |
> | Here is an example for you: A new Linux kernel build system is being
> | worked on. It requires installing Python, which is another language I
> | dislike. Normally I would never install it but I am forced to inorder to
> | build new kernels. Is the better or more convienint for me? Hell no, but
> | it is the language that Eric Raymond likes so now we are stuck with it.
> | Though there are folks that are considering rewriting the tool in C
> | since we must have C installed to build the kernel but except for the
> | build system we don't need Python.
> |
> | In short better and convienent are very subjective things and what you
> | consider to be "better and convienent", is at best annoying and a pain
> | in the tail for me or possible impossible on a space constrained system.
> | That is what is wrong with making a user upgrade for your convienence.
> |
> | Cheers,
> |
> | Davidm
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