Author: George Toft Date: Subject: which distro - Asbestos on!!!
> Michael Knee wrote: >
> Hello all,
> I'm just getting started with Open Source, although I have several
> years experioence with Solaris and HP-UX. What does the group
> think are the strengths and weaknesses of the various distibutions
> (Red Hat, Mandrake, SuSE)?
> Michael knee
Welcome, Michael!!!
Red Hat
+ Large Market share
+ Lots of documentation
+ Most commercial products built/certified for it
+ Lots of support
+ Uses Gnome desktop, which is standard for Solaris now
+ up2date via RHN for keeping your box up to date
- They change stuff from the original package to suit themselves, and
have been known to send their lawyers after those who provide bad press
about it (see documentation for mplayer to see what I mean)
+ Based on Red Hat - 99% compatible RPM's - see first 4 Red Hat +'s
+ Pentium-optimized packages
- Mandrake-specific support is flakey
+ Large Market share
+ Includes everything, including the kitchen sink
+ Awesome admin GUI - point & click set up for printers, TV cards,
network, services, yada yada yada
+ Company actually responds to bug reports and package suggestions
- Sprechen Sie Deutsch? Some things have not yet been converted to
- YaST (the admin tool) is a pain in the ass for an evolving server when
you are adding/removing services.
+ Rock solid
+ Most of this LUG run it
+ Most of this LUG run it
+ Most of this LUG run it
- Not too much at the local bookstore on it
- Challenging for some people to get used to (like me)
+ Solid distro
- Way behind on updates
- Small market share and support