Mac OSX and Windows 2000 Active Directory

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Author: Bryce C
Date: 2002-11-02 02:42 -000
Subject: Mac OSX and Windows 2000 Active Directory
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You might want to talk to a MUGger (they charge money though, hehe,
mugger) but try finding the desktop folder under the user's(your's) home
folder copy a template icon from somewhere else when mounted and then
delete when you unmount. Just a guess from my limited experience,
playing at CompUSA and Fry's.

On Fri, 2002-11-01 at 19:15, Kevin Brown wrote:
> Kevin Brown wrote:
> >>>I recently obtained full-time employment and one of the tasks that I'm=

> >>>with is getting Mac OSX to work with a Windows 2000 Active Directory D=

> >>>OSX ships with Samba 2.2.3a, which I believe allows it to be able to w=

ork with
> >>>the older NT4 domains.
> >>>
> >>>The biggest problem I'm looking at right now is getting the Mac to aut=

> >>>shares from the AD servers when the user logs in and quite possibly us=

ing the AD
> >>>servers to authenticate the user in the first place. I know I can get=

> >>>Windows Shares statically mounted via fstab entries, but don't know ab=

out Win2k
> >>>AD domains/shares.
> >>>
> >>>Anyone have pointers to any docs about doing this?
> >>
> >>I'll have to check how I configured things when I get back to work for =

> >>OSX users, but to mount the shares, I just had to open up a file sharin=

> >>window and enter smb://someserver/someshare and it worked. I can't
> >>remember if there was a check box to automount after login or not... I=

> >>assuming so, since I'd get complaints if they had to type their passwor=

> >>everytime they accessed a new share. Or maybe they just don't logout.
> >>Anyway, I'm rambling. I'll look into it more tomorrow for you.
> >=20
> >=20
> > Thanks. I would very much appreciate it. =20
> >=20
> > So far I've been able to get the Mac to mount a share from a temp Win2k=

> > but didn't spot an option for making them remounted during login (used =

> > GUI to mount them). I'd prefer not to have to use fstab as that is a p=

oint of
> > weakness for security if the machine gets broken into (username and pas=

sword in
> > plaintext) and it would always mount the shares as the same user.
> OK, well I now have a MAC laptop of my own (my new work machine). I can =

> the SMB shares from fstab, command-line, or shell script, but with a few =

> hitches.
> When mounted via the OSX gui it creates the mount point, mounts the reque=

> share and then places a certain icon onto the Desktop. I can, so far, mi=

mic the=20
> first two (create the mount point and mount the share), but can't replica=

te the=20
> third behavior.
> Anyone got any pointers?
> -=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=

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Bryce Chidester
Network Administrator
CoBryce Communications
Bryce AT BryceCo DOT Net

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