Portable MP3 players?

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Author: Bryce C
Date: 2003-02-19 05:24 -000
Subject: Portable MP3 players?
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I'm back! (My e-mail was down for 2 days).
I have an Archos Studio 20Gb and I love it! It's very similar to the
Recorder model except it only plays but it's got a 20Gb hdd that I can
use as a normal (but slow USB 1.1) harddisk. It works great and I've
gotten 48 hours of continuous playing from its batteries.
Dislikes: 1Dislike/ooGreatness=3D0Dislikes
It's a little bulky but still fits in my pocket.

Also, all three, winBLOWS, Mac, and linux all recognize it but the
usb-storage drivers pre2.4.18 weren't great or maybe it's my MDK box.=20
That's what gentoo's for at least.

On Tue, 2003-02-18 at 10:25, Jenny Charlene wrote:
> I'm considering several models, and would like to know what y'all are usi=

> I'll tally the results and post a summary if I get a decent sample ( >10)=

> Which model do you have?
> Do you use it with Windows, Linux, or Mac X?
> Likes / dislikes?
> If you're thinking about upgrading, what model(s) are you thinking about?
> Thanks!

Bryce C <>
CoBryce Communications

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