[PLUG-announce]Mozilla for Thu meeting

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Author: der.hans
Date: 2003-03-13 06:08 -000
Subject: [PLUG-announce]Mozilla for Thu meeting
Am 12. Mar, 2003 schw=E4tzte BoBB so:

> Will Carl be able to make it out to the westside meeting? This is a
> presentation i'd like to see but cant get over there this thursday :(

Not for another 5 months due to the west side already having topics.

That gives him time to renew his passport anyways :).

The newbie class *is* the topic for the west side meetings. Please show up
and support Michelle. Hopefully you'll learn something.


#  https://www.LuftHans.com/    http://www.TOLISGroup.com/
#  Freedom isn't everything, but without freedom you have nothing. - der.ha=