Re: Free Computer stuff!

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Author: Alan Dayley
Date: 2005-04-08 16:59 -000
To: plug-discuss
Subject: Re: Free Computer stuff!
mike enriquez said:
> Yesterday I posted the free monitor and it went in seconds. Of course is
> was a Linux Monitor because this is a Linux list. I get a lot of free
> stuff I cannot use. Like Large Linux Monitors because they are a storage
> problem for me. Also if it does not work for my "Computers for Kids"
> program I can give the stuff away.
> And of course all this computer stuff is Linux material.
> So if you can use a used computer part please send me your wish list and
> I will keep you in mind.
> I live in a retirement community so all this stuff is generally well
> taken care of.

This is very generous of you.

I would suggest you consider PLUG as a recipient of some of the stuff. We
like to have door prize drawings and give-aways at the meetings and other
events. Someones junk is another person's firewall. And, as I understand
it, you live on the west side of the valley. The West Side Meeting has
been neglected for give-aways and having a good source for their meetings
would be a good thing.

You are, of course, free to give stuff how you will, to whom you will.
Consider the Group as one willing, possible recipient.


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