Closed formats (Was: Re: Shockwave on Linux)

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Author: Alan Dayley
Date: 2005-04-21 05:40 -000
To: plug-discuss
Old-Topics: Re: Shockwave on Linux
Subject: Closed formats (Was: Re: Shockwave on Linux)
On Wednesday 20 April 2005 08:39 am, Don Calfa wrote:
> What's wrong with a closed format for multimedia? If the company goes

What's wrong with a closed format for [insert whatever here]?

That's a bit of a silly question, IMO.

Possible answers:
- Vendor lock-in
- Spyware
- Loss of YOUR data (Try to open Word 6.0 or old Excel files in current MS
Office programs. It doesn't always work.)
- Loss of control of YOUR computer (For example, how do you know that
Flash based website is not enabling your web cam and/or your microphone?)
- Data lockout (Renew your fee or kiss data goodbye.)
- Loss of fair use
- Stiffling of competition
- Killing innovation
- Access content only when THEY allow, not when YOU want, even though you
paid for it
- Forced upgrades
- Forced purchase of new equipment
- Forced purchase of new media (Want to take your DVD collection to
Europe? Better take your player too since your DVDs won't play on a
european player.)
- Quashing of scientific research (Can you say "DMCA" which enforces
closed formats.)

I am no fanatic. My kids go to Flash based game sites all the time (on
Linux). I tend to be practical. However, unless the market (You and Me)
demands full access to content I create and/or pay for, business will
continue to try to hold my data hostage.

If my data is in open (better yet, Free) formats, I control when I use it.
I control what program or device is used to access it. I keep more of my
freedom. Therefore I sometimes tell businesses with my actions that I
don't accept my data locked away from me. Actions include purchasing a
different product, not viewing their website and even doing without in
some cases.

If the market (You and Me) just accepts it, They will keep pulling every
penny they can out of us. If the market (You and Me) rejects this stuff,
the some of the businesses that don't care now will learn to care because
I will patronize them.


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