Re: PLUG website DNS issues

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Author: ec
Date: 2005-04-21 22:43 -000
To: plug-discuss
Subject: Re: PLUG website DNS issues

> If that's the case, then it would appear that their
> protection/filtering is working fine and as they
> used to say in the
> software business, along with a few 'unintended
> features' and it's
> reassuring that their anti-DOS doesn't cost extra.
> Craig
> ---------------------------------------------------

Yeah, and everytime we tell someone who happens to use
those 'tiny' local isp's, Qwest and Cox to login to
our site, we loose 'validity' as an alternate O/S.


I know IF I didn't know that Linux works and love it,
I would be 'turned OFF' by trying to login. And, that
site is where I first got on this list!! If I used the
same path today to sign up via qwest, I would NOT be a
linux user AS I COULD NOT get to the sign up for the
lists unless somehow someone gave me the last link in
the sig file that all these messages have!!


We ARE loosing contacts/potential users as a result!!

EVERYTHING depends usually on FIRST impressions, and
right now, for those 'banned' domains, there is NO
impression or negative impression for those who have
heard of PLUG and google for it cause it is always
down for them.

Think about it for a few seconds and you have to

My $0.02

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accommodation on our public roads,
just as does every other user.

Nothing more is expected.

Nothing less is acceptable!

Long live Knoppix!!

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