Re: OT: Civil Disobedience and Jury Nullification (was Re: D…

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Date: 2005-05-02 23:21 -000
To: plug-discuss
Subject: Re: OT: Civil Disobedience and Jury Nullification (was Re: DVDMovies on Ubunto)
One thing I think that would really help the purchasing public in their DRM
choices is if you had a few classification on the rites transferred with
purchase and then educate the public on their meaning (Like movie or TV
ratings, we all know what PG 13 entails so we do not have to read the script
to figure out if our kids should watch the movie) The same should go for
music or movies. If we had classes of use rites clearly defined I believe the
market at large would find a successful median.

BTW Craig, do you want to do the Hord presentation for ASULUG/UNUG on the 17th
of May?

On Mon, 2 May 2005, Craig White wrote:

> On Mon, 2005-05-02 at 15:22 -0700, wrote:
> > Not to rehash the intellectual property arguments, but I want to kill the
> > abusive #@!*%($# my wife is unfortunate enough to work with, but I have been
> > 'educated' that this is 'wrong' and 'illegal'. Are you saying I should just
> > say "Umm, I think it is too fucking bad" and skin them while they sleep
> > anyway?
> >
> > Laws are designed to encourage behavior that is healthy for our society and
> > discourage behavior that is unhealthy for our society. Laws that make it
> > possible to protect your creation from abuse is good, forcing these laws on
> > content providers who do not wish to protect their creations is bad. Creating
> > public fear instead of education is also bad. But again, if you purchase a
> > house that has a clear stipulation that the original architect has finale say
> > on any modifications, then you do not have the rite to modify your house
> > without his/her approval. But you do have the rite not to buy the house.
> >
> > [Please remember I believe in fair use, and I believe the RIAA goes to far]
> ----
> We are gotten so far afield that I have wondered whether any opinion
> that I may have is worth posting and to that extent, I will limit my
> opinion.
> Apparently, there is a notion of a restricted rights on what you
> purchase thereby making it unclear that what you have purchased is yours
> to do as you please. I simply denounce that as unworkable.
> I am content, feel empowered to view any dvd that I have purchased on
> any player mechanism that I have purchased and if to accomplish this
> task, I have to implement some code that some court deems this code to
> be illegal, I am ready to suffer the consequences. Of course there
> cannot be consequences so the issue is absurd. Any political entity or
> corporation that seeks to prevent me from doing so would prove its
> hostility and suffer consequences far greater than I.
> This notion of purchasing license for use in severely limited form is
> perverse and endemic. Where I can - such as computer software, the open
> source alternatives are so obviously the only true options that a user
> such as myself has. This however enjoys no half-way measures. It makes
> little sense to justify running or mozilla on a Macintosh
> or Windows machine as you cannot get beyond the hostile, restricted use
> licensing merely by looking the other way.
> Yes, we are a nation of laws and the laws are written by the politicians
> we elect. The process has become entirely subjugated by the two parties
> which have finagled the laws to entrench themselves. The people of this
> country have become indifferent and hasn't become pissed off enough to
> fix the problem. Thus we have the moneyed interests - corporations,
> deciding the politics and hence the laws. This is why we have such poor
> choices as candidates, stupid laws such as DMCA, etc.
> Craig
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