Re: Ann: East Side Meeting, Thursday, May 12th

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Author: der.hans
Date: 2005-05-11 23:05 -000
To: plug-discuss
Subject: Re: Ann: East Side Meeting, Thursday, May 12th
Am 11. May, 2005 schwätzte Derek Neighbors so:

> Some ideas that might appeal to people and be easy to find presenters for
> that have to deal with basic user functions on Linux...
> 1. Creating a presentation with Open Office Presenter

We wanted to do some OOo stuff this month, but no one stepped forward to
do the presentation.

> 2. Managing a music collection w/ something like Rhythmbox,Helix,etc.

Or maybe a comparison of several applications. I've been enjoying amaroK
since Brian pointed it out to me.

> 3. Transfering/Editing Video Camera movies to VCD/DVD.

Ties in with the MythTV presentation Michael's lining up for us ;-).

> 4. Good/Easy photo gallery program (f-spot,gallery, gthumb, etc).

A comparison of this space would be good as well.

> 5. Something on groupware/calendar options for small groups.

Tons of topics here.

> 6. A quick GNUCash introduction.

Working on this one. I want an intro and then several follow ups
explaining how to do specific things. Most of us are not accountants, so
GNUCash seems like black magic :).

> 7. A very quick GNU PGP overview and how to make it work with Thunderbird,
> Evolution and the likes...
> 8. Overview of an HTML editor (I use emacs so am clueless to what is out
> there, but something like Bluefish or even more WYSWYG would be good)

Hmmm, how about XML/SGML instead? :)

I did just run into something new.

ooo2dbk - converts SXW documents to DocBook XML

BTW, anyone interested in doing any of these topics or other topics for
the east side meetings should please contact Alan D and me.

If you'd like to give a presentation for the west side meeting please
contact George G.



> 9. IRC tutorial to get people started down path of self sufficiency. :)
> 10. Remote control (VNC, rdesktop, etc)
> 11. Book/Music/Movie collection management (Kmusicdb, Alexandria, etc)
> 12. GRAMPS genealogy software intro
> 13. SWORD bible study application (maintainer is local)
> I am sure there are other everyday applications out there that could be
> "introduced" by people who use them everyday. I find that after 10 years
> of using Linux I still am amazed that I can find completely feature rich
> applications that do exactly what I want that have existed for sometime
> that somehow escaped my scope of vision. The only way to find these
> things often is through word of mouth. :)
> -Derek
> > The PLUG East Side Meeting will be held Thursday, May 12th. (That's
> > tomorrow!)
> >
> > What: PLUG East Side Meeting
> > When: May 12, 2005 @ 7:00pm (Doors open @ 6:30pm)
> > Where: Sequoia Charter School in Mesa
> > (See web site FAQ for directions)
> >
> >
> > Topic: Mini-presentations!
> > - Blender a cool 3D graphics tool
> > - Favorite Firefox Plugins: Flashblock, SessionSaver and Prefbar
> > - feature demos
> > - Possibly others too
> >
> > Michael is leading the push to open the doors early, which will happen at
> > this meeting. The plan is to use that time with productive socializing
> > with food as a "mini-potluck." Food and beverages are encouraged so bring
> > something to share or help defray the cost, if you can. (Something with
> > minimal grease and minimal sugar is much preferred.)
> >
> > The main door prize is a Quad-Xeon loaded computer from SGI! Even I want
> > this one!
> >
> > Alan
> >
> >
> >
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