Re: Need help from Debian pros!

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Author: Mike Garfias
Date: 2005-06-03 13:51 -000
To: plug-discuss
Subject: Re: Need help from Debian pros!
All I did was change the 'testing' distin my apt/sources.list to 'sarge'.
Which really I should have done in the first place.

Oh, and add the security sources now that sarge gets security fixes.
Add this to your sources.list

deb sarge/updates main contrib non-free


Mark Phillips spoke forth with the blessed manuscript:
> I currently have Debian Sarge running on my laptop. It works very well.
> I apt-get updates all the time and rarely does anything break. With
> Sarge moving into stable and unstable moving into testing, what should I do?
> 1. Stop apt-get update for awhile? How long?
> 2. Change my sources.list to stable? When?
> Will the new testing branch be really unstable for awhile, so it will
> create a lot of problems?
> Do I have to do a dist-upgrade at some point to stay with testing?
> Do I sound like Chicken Little? Argh...the distro is falling...the
> distro is falling!
> Thanks in advance to any advice from those (1) who are much better
> informed than I am and (2) who may have gone through this transition
> before.
> Mark Phillips
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