Re: cable modem question

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Author: Jason Hayes - HHC
Date: 2005-06-06 18:26 -000
Subject: Re: cable modem question

Thanks to everyone who responded to my initial query. Thanks also for
the welcome - much appreciated.

Sorry for the lack of response so far. No cable meant no Internet or
e-mail over the past few days, but I think I handled the initial stages
of withdrawal pretty well. Once the shakes and blurred vision passed, I
was ok. 8o)

The fact that the house I found has a pool, made it a bit easier also.
The rest of weekend was completely taken up with unloading the moving
truck, cleaning up, and trying to get a few boxes unpacked.

I will go and check out the Motorola modem @ Circuit City tonight and
see if that is still available. If not, I will go with one of the COX

Thanks again!

Jason Hayes

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