Tonight's meeting success!

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Author: Alan Dayley
Date: 2005-06-10 05:35 -000
To: plug-discuss
New-Topics: One WoT & Key Signing Protocol Re: Tonight's meeting success!
Subject: Tonight's meeting success!
I'd like to thank the presenters and audience of tonight's meeting. The
questions and tips were quite enjoyable.

I went first with a very brief description of the suite of
programs. We then opened Impress, the presentation application. I
stumbled through the creation of a presentation, showing a few of the
features. Some of the effects sounds were very annoying. I suggest the
sounds be turned off! :^) I learned some things as audience members
pointed out the different buttons that I had not tried yet. Thank you.

Brian then stepped up with making a nice vase in Blender, two different
ways. The power of that tool makes 3D modeling look fun! We will
definitely have him back for more cool stuff.

Joseph swept through an overview of GPG, the GNU application for OpenPG
encryption. This is a topic that could easily take an entire meeting but
Joseph hit the highlights very well. Demonstrating the encryption addon
to Thunderbird email client, Enigmail. Expect a discussion of keys and
key signing here in the list.

Thanks to all who made the meeting a success! The granola bars were a
nice touch.


PS Note that this email is signed by me.