Re: Adding linux servers to a MS Small Buisness doamain

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Author: Erik Bixby
Date: 2005-06-21 17:29 -000
To: plug-discuss
Subject: Re: Adding linux servers to a MS Small Buisness doamain
I would imagine that Samba will emulate windows well enough that
you'll have problems with the one server per domain issue. Of course,
I've never actually tried it...

On 6/21/05, <> wrote:
> Ok, I have a MS 2003 Small Business Server and I want to add a second server
> to the domain.
> Problem - Small Business Server only allows one server per domain (This is
> intentional on the part of MS)
> Question - Does this include Linux servers?
> Thought - I know one can add a Linux server to an MS domain and use domain
> level permissions and have transparent access from windows machines, and the
> one server lock may be a MS server looking for another MS server, so perhaps a
> Linux server would go unnoticed.
> Problem - I have only seen this done with domains that have no silly -one
> server- restrictions AND I do not actually remember how to do it so I can not
> test it on an old box.
> Any info you can provide will be quite helpful... After all I am just an
> accountant (who is back doing it since no one else here will ;)
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