Re: PHP Developer / System Administrator Position Open

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Author: Ralph Prowell
Date: 2006-04-12 18:21 -000
To: Main PLUG discussion list
Subject: Re: PHP Developer / System Administrator Position Open

I have some experience with PHP4 and 5, but I would like to expand my skills
in web programming. I have also worked pretty extensively with mySQL and use
Fedora Core5 as well as teach Unix/Linux fundamentals at Collins College.
Have a degree in Network Technology and have done web development using
javascript. Apache, is there any other web browser?

Here is my resume for your consideration.

Your Friend,
Ralph Prowell, BS-NT

On 4/12/06, June Tate <> wrote:
> Hey all,
> I'm currently looking for a replacement PHP web developer / system
> administrator who is proficient in the following:
>         - PHP 4 and 5 (Object-Oriented programming techniques a big plus
> in
> both versions)
>         - MySQL
>         - PostgreSQL
>         - Cross-browser JavaScript and familiarity of the DOM level 1
> standard
>         - CSS 1.x and 2.x

>         - Apache + Apache-SSL maintenance and configuration
>         - Linux Virtual Server administration using ipvsadm and related
> utilities
>         - Passing knowledge of Fedora Core system administration
>         - Highly intimate knowledge of Debian system administration
>         - Strong knowledge of the ISC Bind daemon and related DNS theory
>         - Strong knowledge of the mod_rewrite Apache module

> I know it's a tall list, and many people will be hard pressed to
> match some of these skills together, as some seem mutually exclusive
> (PostgreSQL and MySQL come to mind). The biggest of the skills that
> are needed are listed in the first section -- we are most of all
> looking for a developer in PHP technologies first, and a sysadmin
> second.
> If you're interested in working in a very dynamic environment that
> challenges you to stretch your skills to the limit, send an email to
> me off-list and I'll give you the contact details. Feel free to
> forward this to anyone you know who might be interested. Thanks guys!
> --
> June Tate
> ---------------------------------------------------
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