RE: CPU heat-sink problems

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Author: Bart Garst
Date: 2006-04-16 13:13 -000
To: Main PLUG discussion list
Subject: RE: CPU heat-sink problems
> A question for the build-it-yourselfers out there:
> It seems I always have trouble with heat when reinstalling a CPU. Since
> it's a used heatsink I have to put on new thermal compound. I bought a
> tube of Arctic Alumina thermal grease and followed the instructions from
> the company's website as closely as I possibly could. Still, the BIOS
> says that the CPU (an AMD 2600+ or something similar) is heating up to
> 60 degrees C. Assuming the BIOS is right, I did something wrong. I've
> already redone this twice. This is the heatsink that came with the
> CPU. And yes, I cleaned the old thermal pad off the heatsink with
> carburetor cleaner as recommended. The problems, as I see it, are:
>     1. It's extremely hard to get the thermal grease in a thin
> even layer.
> The directions say you can use a razor blade or a clean credit card.
> I've tried both.  I never get the layer quite even and if I try to fix
> it, I always make it worse, producing gaps and whatnot.


I have an idea that may be useful here, although, I haven't actually tried

Use two pieces of guitar string to hold the razor blade edge parallel with
the cpu. Lay the string across the cpu and slide the razor along the
strings. This should enable you to get a thin, even layer (guitar string can
be as thin as 0.008").


>     2. The directions say you shouldn't twist or slide the heatsink when
> mating it down on the processor.  Makes sense, but with those tiny, tiny
> little plastic nubs on the sides of the CPU socket, it's very hard to
> mate that with the heatsink's mounting hardware exactly right the first
> time.  Seems like it's always a millimeter or two off.  Unless I want to
> take it off and reapply the goop, and do this about 50 times in
> succession, I need to slide the heatsink over a tiny bit.

> Has anybody had this kind of trouble, or am I some kind of idiot? Is it
> better to just by a new heating with that meltable thermal pad on it?
> Vaughn
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