Re: qmail toaster: 554 mail server permanently rejected mess…

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Author: Eric \"Shubes\"
Date: 2006-06-06 17:56 -000
To: Main PLUG discussion list
Subject: Re: qmail toaster: 554 mail server permanently rejected message (#5.3.0)
Empty wrote:
> I'm a qmail dude (did you guess already? :P), but I have zero experience
> with toaster. I'd try the mailing lists. I've not seen such a 554 in my
> installs (mostly lifewithqmail, vpopmail, and various bastardizations
> between them). That said, a 554 is a 5xx error, meaning it is permanent
> (a 4xx error will cause the sending server to attempt to redeliver
> later), and it means "Transaction failed". Per the email RFCs, 554's
> should only happen during the DATA portion of the SMTP conversation, so
> you probably have a problem with the length of the message, the size of
> an attachment, or something else in the body area...
> Check out recordio and see if you can slide that in- it will help you
> gain a better understanding of precisely what is happening when the
> message bounces.
> ~Ben

Just a follow-up.

With the help of Tonino on the chkuser list, I was able to determine
that these messages (some messages?) were being rejected due to SPF
failure. The messages were being automatically forwarded from the old
domain (as a temporary measure), which caused the failure. There was no
indication in the logs that the messages were being rejected.

The package contains the qmail-spf.rc5 patch
( for SPF processing. I looked at the code and it
doesn't appear to do any logging. I wrote to the author about it, and
haven't heard back (yet). I may have to patch-the-patch to get logging
of SPF rejections.

Any qmail-ers out there have a patch for SPF that logs its activity?

-Eric 'shubes'
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