useradd command difficulties

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Author: keith smith
Date: 2006-07-05 18:53 -000
To: Main PLUG discussion list
Old-Topics: Re: VPS Command Line Tutorials
Subject: useradd command difficulties
Hi Everyone.

Still working on that VPS w/o a control panel.

Got the FTPD server up and running.....

Now I am trying to add a user, defining the directory & no shell.

User        : klsmith03
Password : test03

After much research I came up with the following command.

useradd -d /home/klsmith03/public_html -m - g ftpuser -p test03 -s /bin/ftp klsmith03

I get error : useradd cannot create directory /home/klsmith03/public_html

I googled and found some others are having the same problem. The answer on every post was to add the -m argument. As you can see I have the -m argument in my command.

I've moved the -m argument around but I still get the same error message.

Any help much appreciated

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