Re: OT Anyone Using Quest 29.95 High Speed Internet

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Author: KE7FEG
Date: 2006-09-28 00:49 -000
To: Main PLUG discussion list
Subject: Re: OT Anyone Using Quest 29.95 High Speed Internet
I hate cox for private reasons. That said, I also am
NOT pleased w/qworst. I have qworst by choice.

I called them and they will NOT give me that rate as I
am already setup!!!! Stick it to the current suckers.
Seen that with other things too.

You signed up for a 10 month discounted rate and I bet
at the end of that ten months, up it goes and you will
basically get the same song and dance I did two weeks

The ONLY thing they don't know is the person that
signed up here no longer is here..nuff said. I just
pay. And, after calling and 'shutting off' phone
before I left that apartment in 99, they didn'
want ME to pay for their NOT turning it off!! I will
go cox if they chase me down and NEVER pay for service
someone stole because they didn't do their job!!!

--- Josef Lowder <> wrote:

> .
> Recently, I recall seeing Qwest advertise a rate of
> $21.99 "forever."
> I think it was even on TV. As part of a "bundled"
> package with
> Qwest voice service, I recently signed up for Qwest
> DSL to be billed
> at that rate ($21.99) for the first 10 months. It is
> actually being
> billed at that rate currently. I need to check into
> that advertised
> "forever" claim. Have not done that yet.
> -------------------
> On Wed, 27 Sep 2006, George wrote
> > Do they provide you a SMTP server that works with
> >
> > How much is it after taxes and other charges?
> ---------------------------------------------------
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Ed Culbertson/ke7feg
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