On Wed, 2008-11-05 at 14:47 -0700, Josh Andler wrote:
> Craig White wrote:
> > It's not reasonable to expect us to ignore the whinging of an ignorant
> > partisan without comment.
> >
> C'mon Craig,
> Does it have to devolve into calling people ignorant or any form of name
> calling? Can't it be okay to agree to disagree (especially about opinion
> driven topics)? The "we are screwed" thread started without OT in the
> Subject line and has continued without it as well... if people would
> follow rules it probably would have been filtered w/o issue and not
> commented back on.
actually, yes
Under normal circumstances, I would never call someone ignorant but
someone who gets on the Linux list and posts a message that is purely
political with absolutely no connection to the list purpose whatsoever
is ignorant...there simply is no way to sugar coat it.
Subject: We are screwed
Content: It is not surprising but Obama won:(
Considering that this is the PLUG list and it has no connection to
Phoenix or Linux users it could only be ignorant to click send. I think
I am being generous by calling him ignorant because there certainly are
many more adjectives that easily come to mind.
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