> Stephen wrote:
>> I just need the money to afford the laptop i want... cause im weird
>> and want 3 drives. stuff, OS 1 stable and Os 2 multiflavors/testing
>> only one i know does that and the shell is 2k
Laptops rarely have more than one physical disk. It's just too
dang expensive to put more than one in the case. Usually, partitions
work well enough to separate different logical areas of a disk,
though the 15-partition limit Linux has on SCSI disks may annoy
some people.
From: Joe <
> You don't believe in partitions?
Partitions? Oh yeah, those things that underlie volume groups and
logical volumes :-) Seriously, LVM is the way to go for machines
that can have multiple fixed disks.
Matt G / Dances With Crows
The Crow202 Blog:
There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see
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