Re: Moodle

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Author: Kaoru Wilbur
Date: 2013-09-22 03:36 -000
To: Main PLUG discussion list
Subject: Re: Moodle
Nice seeing all of you today.

Well, I wanted to do a little research going back to the beginning
installfest. Actually, and this is really interesting history- It was
September 2003! Yes. It was 10 years ago this month!

The person we helped organize the installfest with was George Gambill.
Myself and Rares Marian worked with him in organizing the event and
assisted users on the Debian installations. Good times!

There was great turn out today. A lot of great work you are doing!

Here's to another 10 years!!!!

On Fri, Sep 20, 2013 at 11:38 PM, Kaoru Wilbur <>wrote:

> Hi,
> I don't know that I can make it out so here are some suggestions:
> If it is Ubuntu then that is easy going, really, seriously - I even tried
> a local install tonight to test it out.
> Install Ubuntu
>     Depending on machine all will go well with wireless (had some issues
> with HP/Compaq Broadcom in the past)

> Check out these instructions on Moodle - really makes it smooth.
> open a terminal
> install tasksel if you don't have it
> install lamp (wow, that was so easy... enter passwords, you know the
> routine)
>     sudo tasksel install lamp-server

> install moodle
>    sudo apt-get install moodle

> Seriously, no dependency issues, nothing. Really clean on this end.
> Now for the fun part - go to localhost/moodle
> Did you get a 404? I have gotten this...
> Easy fix with a link
>     cd /var/www;sudo ln -s /usr/share/moodle

> Now try it – Yeah! Works! or should!
> Follow the instructions. Don't worry if you get 1 or 2 yellows...
> Greens are awesome!
> Select email display, town, basic info.
> *** Don't forget the admin pwd because otherwise you/he will have some fun
> in MySQL to look forward to in the future to reset that.
> Enter the Front settings and wow! There it is!
> MOODLE! Yeah!!!!
> Now the fun part – don't know if he wants this done tomorrow because
> this is actually the “really” fun stuff.
> Site Administration
> Add users, courses, etc... Works with SCORM Compliant courses.
> Paypal or other payment methods. Some work here - Setup IPN in Paypal.
> Setup enrolments in Moodle. Setup enrolment price in course in Moodle once
> the course is added.
> Change appearance – all these are really fun and can take time depending
> on what configurations are requested/required.
> You might catch me on Skype at aicra_ if you have any issues and I'm
> awake!
> Sorry but sometimes, I don't sleep on a "normal" schedule. (more or less
> pass out after trying to keep eyes open....)
> Also, Dave (?) can always contact me via skype or email with any future
> questions if I don't make it.
> Marcia

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