Re: Steam OS was released for all you gamers out there

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Author: Robert Holtzman
Date: 2013-12-16 21:06 -000
To: plug-discuss
Subject: Re: Steam OS was released for all you gamers out there
On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 09:48:56AM -0700, Michael Butash wrote:
> I'm curious to see if it's as broken as ubuntu seems to be these
> days - feedback from adopters here appreciated.
> I spent 3 days last week trying to get ubuntu working with 13.10 on
> a fresh install, and since they're forcing use of a desktop cd, and
> not producing alt installs now, found the install process to be
> entirely broken. A new laptop with only EFI boot apparently leaves
> me few options for distributions, namely excluding debian which I
> was going to attempt to migrate to avoid ubuntu's steady decline in
> quality/stability. Hopefully Valve heads this off using the
> Ubuntu/Debian base.
> I spent the weekend attempting to abandon Ubuntu and learning Arch
> (or trying to) after the ubuntu fail, which wasn't exactly easy, and
> simply finding just about every step requires some extensive
> research of packages, lack of automagical setup, and sadly most any
> ease found in Ubuntu I've apparently taken for granted. Not to
> mention I'm not finding pacman packages for most things I need/want
> (doubt Steam is going to be supported on Arch anytime soon).
> Maybe Valve injecting their two bits around Debian too will help
> that, but I doubt it'll support more enterprise-y features like
> raid, encryption, and lvm as part of the install features I need.
> Then again, I wish Ubuntu would just put it back said features or
> produce an alt cd again including them natively until someone fixes
> their broken desktop installer.

Pardon the stupid question but why couldn't you disable uefi/secure boot
in your bios? What laptop is it?

Bob Holtzman
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