Woman are leaders. TedTalks show them all off. In my field - Biotech -
several were left behind. Especially, with the discovery of DNA. Lot's
of great leaders of companies, that I have worked with, in the past.
Also, Nobel Prize winners. Here's one
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosalyn_Sussman_Yalow> you never knew
about. A field I worked in, at one time, Nuclear Medicine.
Sweden was filled with super intelligent women at the Karolinska
Institutet <
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karolinska_Institutet>. The
University town of Uppsala founded their medical school in 1477. Been
there, down that.
Linus is from around that area - Finland. Despite what Americans think
about women, in the rest of the world, they are very well respected, and
Just a lurker from the /Jersey Shore/. Was out there, but Mom got old.
And, needs the kid around.
You go girl!
John J. Macey / Wildwood, New Jersey
jjmacey@jjmacey.net <
Biotech Consultant Office: 480-242-1503 / Fax: 480-242-1503
310 E. Hand Avenue #12 Wildwood, New Jersey 08260
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On 10/07/2014 03:37 PM, Lisa Kachold wrote:
> And of course, there are various old articles by Lisa Kachold:
> "An International Look at Women in Open Source at Tim Review":
> http://timreview.ca/article/256
> And "Link Layer 8 Puppet" from Linux Gazette:
> http://linuxgazette.net/165/kachold.html
> Newer posts related to the Plug/DeVry hackfests started in 2008 can be
> found at hackfest.it-clowns.com <http://hackfest.it-clowns.com>.
> Chief Clown
> it-clowns.com <http://it-clowns.com>
> (503)754-4452
> On Oct 7, 2014 1:09 AM, "der.hans" <PLUGd@lufthans.com
> <mailto:PLUGd@lufthans.com>> wrote:
> moin moin,
> Specific mentions of AdaLovelace, JeanJenningsBartik and GraceHopper.
> http://www.npr.org/blogs/alltechconsidered/2014/10/06/345799830/the-forgotten-female-programmers-who-created-modern-tech?ft=3&f=1001
> And here's an interview with the book's author including stories of
> several other computing pioneers.
> http://www.npr.org/blogs/alltechconsidered/2014/10/06/353269811/how-the-cold-war-and-george-orwell-helped-make-the-internet-what-it-is
> ciao,
> der.hans
> --
> # http://www.LuftHans.com/ http://www.PhxLinux.org/
> # Strangers are friends just waiting to happen!
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