I think your thinking is out dated. And, specious. From 10+ years ago
I find it amazing, that no one here will post their personal Blog /
Website address.
I agree with Lisa, all the way.
John J. Macey / Wildwood, New Jersey
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On 12/02/2014 12:20 PM, JD Austin wrote:
> I'm a lurker on this list and haven't had time to go to an actual plug
> meeting in years so take my input as you may... that said PLUG should
> take these issues seriously because these are the kinds of issues that
> tear apart organizations.
> When people take the time to cite specific examples and tell you that
> they feel a negative bias towards them the wrong response is to deny
> their feelings are valid. A major problem most clubs/organizations
> have unless they make a concerted effort not to be is that overtime
> they get cliquish and non-inclusive; unless an effort is made not to
> do so long time members start to feel and act as if it is their
> organization and can seem like dictators to new people. I haven't
> been involved enough in PLUG to know if that is happening here but the
> emails flying around right now make it sound like it could be that
> way. I've seen these kinds of issues destroy groups before; I'm sure
> I'm not the only person that has no desire to be a group that
> discriminates against women or any other body of people.
> Linux is for everyone and has the most diversity of any operating
> system I know.
> -- JD Austin
> Voice: 480.269.4335 (480 2MY Geek)
> jd@twingeckos.com <mailto:jd@twingeckos.com>
> On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 9:38 AM, Kaoru Wilbur <m.kaoru.wilbur@gmail.com
> <mailto:m.kaoru.wilbur@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Definitely! Thanks for that.
> When asked what I would do with my pi, I mentioned I was going to
> do a Tor Relay. One member looked at me, laughed and said, Good
> luck with that.
> Another time, I was assisting someone with an install. The idiot
> next to me was flinching twitching and making grunting noises.
> Finally, I turned off the machine and said, "And what would you do?!"
> He made a suggestion which was what I actually had done already.
> The woman who I was assisting even said, "Isn't that what you were
> doing"
> Another incident was when I stated that one member of the
> installfests was rude and if Todd didn't take care of that, I
> would. I was accused of threatening this member when I was simply
> stating in front of a group of people that Mark was a rude
> arrogant problem that needed to be dealt with.
> Now, maybe, it's just Todd. However, I went to leadership who did
> nothing until I started making noise at a higher level. The noise
> wasn't even about the gender bias but the push on Ubuntu and the
> treatment of members.
> Incidentally, when I went to local leadership, he acted as if I
> were lying before any investigation.
> Women come to your meetings and then leave. Maybe the general
> population of the group do not realize why because so many people
> come and go from the PLUG. Maybe people think women cannot handle
> the content or that they are leaving because of other reasons.
> I was all but pushed out of your old boys club. In fact, Todd
> stated he didn't want me at the installfests. Was that because I
> was insisting on positive change or because I was female. You tell
> me? He laughed at me several times. Of course, he was not that
> nice to other members either. I never noticed him condescend to
> any of the males though.
> There is gender bias. Maybe not at your local meetings because
> it's just ALL LECTURE.
> On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 8:41 AM, Shawn Badger <shawn@badger.pro
> <mailto:shawn@badger.pro>> wrote:
> I have been in the PLUG for a while now and have not seen any
> gender bias.
> Can you point to any examples of how the group is gender
> biased so the group can work on those issues?
> On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 12:33 AM, Kaoru Wilbur
> <m.kaoru.wilbur@gmail.com <mailto:m.kaoru.wilbur@gmail.com>>
> wrote:
> hans,
> I am sorry you cannot take a joke.
> Of course, sexual harassment is no joking matter.
> Accusations of this are quite serious.
> I never witnessed anything or experienced sexual harassment.
> Gender bias is quite obvious in your LUG.
> On Mon, Dec 1, 2014 at 10:44 PM, der.hans
> <PLUGd@lufthans.com <mailto:PLUGd@lufthans.com>> wrote:
> Am 01. Dez, 2014 schwätzte Kaoru Wilbur so:
> Well, this was an interesting thread.
> I would like to chime in here for a moment.
> While I have not experienced unwanted sexually
> advances by anyone at PLUG
> in recent years, I will state there is a gender
> bias, definitely.
> Some people may not experience this gender bias
> because, well frankly, we
> are unsure of your gender...
> That's uncalled for, especially right as you're
> claiming there is gender bias.
> All joking aside, as a community, we really could
> be a little more
> thoughtful, tactful and less like assholes.
> Most of us do a good job. Over the years there have
> only been problems
> with a few people. Most adjust their behavior when
> it's pointed out.
> ciao,
> der.hans
> --
> # http://www.LuftHans.com/ http://www.PhxLinux.org/
> # "Every person who has mastered a profession is a
> skeptic concerning
> # it." -- George Bernard Shaw
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