If you're on Gnome (latest Ubuntu/ Fedora) then you can use
gnome-disk-utility. (It's probably just called "Disks" on your computer.)
Click on the thumb drive on the left menu, then click on the partition
on the right side. (I'm guessing there's only one). Make sure its
highlighted. Then Press Control+Shift+F.
Give it a name in "Volume Name"
Make sure Erase is turned off. (Erase will do a in-depth wipe, which
takes very long)
Then select "For use with all systems and devices (FAT)" and click next.
(I've attached a screenshot)
I'm guessing the rest is self explanatory. I don't have a pen drive
handy and I don't want to format my drive haha.
If you want to do this from the Command line
Use `lsblk` to list all your connected drives and check which drive you
want to format. Then check again. and again to make sure.
Then copy the device path. (Something like /dev/sdb1) and execute
`sudo mkfs.fat -F 32 /dev/sdb1`
change sdb1 to whatever your drive is.
Make sure its the right drive though.
On 12/18/18 8:07 AM, Michael wrote:
> I thought I would be able to do it without help but I guess I was wrong.
> I got a thumbdrive that I want to format. gparted will not do it. Anyone
> able to help?
> --
> :-)~MIKE~(-:
> ---------------------------------------------------
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Dhruva Lokegaonkar
dhruva@lokegaonkar.in <
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