Re: Old Hardware

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Author: Michael Butash
Date: 2019-01-08 23:53 -000
To: Main PLUG discussion list
Subject: Re: Old Hardware
I'd typically find floppies that didn't work after a few years for whatever
reason back when they were the shiznit still, I can't imagine they hold up
much over time, and imagine charging for someone scanning hundreds of them
and not recovering anything more often than not. I have binders full of
cd's and dvd's as well I don't much expect to work much better if I ever
had to dig them out for anything important.

Your best option for profitability doing that is probably for tips to the
fbi for questionable things you *do* find
geek squad does


On Tue, Jan 8, 2019 at 10:03 AM Jim <> wrote:

> This thread got me thinking. I wonder what kind of opportunities there
> might be for someone to start a business that specializes in recovering
> data from old formats people don't use anymore.
> On 1/7/19 10:26 PM, Thomas Scott wrote:
> - found this as a possible
> solution, if you're unable to find a USB drive or an old machine that's
> bootable
> On Mon, Jan 7, 2019 at 12:12 PM Michael Butash <> wrote:
>> I had an old thinkpad usb 3.5 floppy disk drive accessory I kept around
>> to boot cranky systems back in the day, as oddly when some wouldn't work
>> with certain usb cd, that floppy always worked. I'd offer it up, but I
>> haven't seen/used it in 10+ years, and don't even know where to start
>> looking for it, but I'm sure you can still find them on ebay.
>> Good luck on the 5 inch, that you're just going to need an old relic
>> system for I think, but wouldn't surprise me to see some hackers have made
>> adapters to a more modern interface and power for those as well.
>> -mb
>> On Sun, Jan 6, 2019 at 9:33 AM Matthew Gibson <
>> > wrote:
>>> My parents have been cleaning out their home and came across some 3 1/2
>>> inch floppy disks, they also found some 5 inch floppies. Does anyone have
>>> an appropriate drive for either of these media items? I am looking to
>>> borrow, but I don't imagine it will be difficult to scrounge up the funds
>>> to purchase a drive or two. All we are wanting us to pull what data we can
>>> off them.
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