I have both Cox fiber and CL fiber running into my firewall. Cox gets
slightly better download scores on average from the iperf3 server we
maintain in our DC. 910Mb/s Cox to 880Mb/s CL. That could be the PPPoE
overhead when having to adjust the MTU, and you need to adjust the MTU
down for best performance with CL. I found my sweet spot @ 1488MTU. The
upload however - well that is a different story. Cox struggles to
reliably provide bast 350Mb/s upload. CL consistently is in the
810-840Mb/s range.
The reality, other than data caps, is that Cox would be adequate for my
use - but, I definitely do not get even close to promise with Cox.
I am running an 8 core C2758 with 16GB RAM, an SSD, and pfSense for the
OS for my FW. It maintains the PPPoE connection, 2 OpenVPN client
connections and an OpenVPN server.
I have the CL plumbed as the primary connection with Cox as the BU -
because to hell with paying an extra $40/month for unlimited data
through Cox for what CL provides free. That being said - the 95th
percentile on my CL connection is ~225Mb/s down and ~95Mb/s Up, so there
is no need for me to load balance to meet capacity at this time.
I also do public SpeedTest metrics to my Grafana server to share. These
are both from Mesa to SparkLight speedtest server over past 24 hours.
CL's ping has been climbing lately.
Cox speedtest to the Cox speedtest server is much better and more
consistent - but nearly everything I use the internet for is outside the
Cox network, so that measurement doesn't do me any good. I know I have
delivered some unpopular onions on this topic in this forum before. Here
is some of the data to support it. I have speedtests that run every 4
hours with cox, and every 2 with CL. I have speedtests to an San Jose,
CA based speedtest server as well from both. I'll save cox the
embarrassment. Their peering outside the valley is subpar at best - and
criminal in my opinion for the claims of service.
My $0.02, but with data.
Michael Butash via PLUG-discuss wrote on 8/25/20 11:02 AM:
> It's hard to do real service testing, unless you have a hookup at an
> isp that runs their iperf3 server on a 10gbe+ nic. The web ones are
> meh, I could only test most to around a gig or less, and somewhat
> unreliably even on a 10gbe service. A few in speedtest we could throw
> a 10gbe server against being in LA for more, but only get roughly
> under 2gbps max.
> Using CL, I just know I see congestion issues with upstream peering
> even on my lowly dsl here, but I imagine they probably oversubscribe
> the hell out of the network as it is. Why I was wondering how the gig
> service holds up.
> -mb
> On Tue, Aug 25, 2020 at 9:37 AM Stephen Partington
> <cryptworks@gmail.com <mailto:cryptworks@gmail.com>> wrote:
> I am not seeing any performance degradation from ppoe vs not. I
> used this same device with Cox Fiber gigablast and the speeds and
> rates are nearly identical.
> I chose the ERLite specifically for its ability to shove lots of
> packets. And while that is not the true measure of performance it
> was a metric that I am not regretting that I used.
> On Tue, Aug 25, 2020 at 8:14 AM Michael Butash <michael@butash.net
> <mailto:michael@butash.net>> wrote:
> Do you see any performance issues with having to use pppoe
> there with gigabit rates?
> I ask because some devices, even my home Fortigate unit tend
> to have performance issues because of pppd having to run in
> userland to shuffle packets then, and has been an issue in
> various vendor devices over time. My fortigate is large
> enough (100D) I don't see issues with my 150mbps bonded dsl
> here, but a buddy with one step down in a fortigate (90D) said
> he had to replace it on the same service. I'd imagine if I
> could get gigabit and use it, I'd need a new box.
> One thing I really liked about cable modems, is they figured
> out how to handle security outside your client, so no pppoe
> weirdness at the modem or firewall. I can't believe CL still
> forces that even on their fiber...
> -mb
> On Mon, Aug 24, 2020 at 10:33 PM Stephen Partington via
> PLUG-discuss <plug-discuss@lists.phxlinux.org
> <mailto:plug-discuss@lists.phxlinux.org>> wrote:
> I am running this config right now. Specifically
> edgerouter lite.
> Left the ont unchanged. Carried over the vlan config and
> the PPPoE config. Was freakishly simple and smooth.
> Let me know if you have any questions.
> On Mon, Aug 24, 2020, 10:19 PM Carlton Brooks via
> PLUG-discuss <plug-discuss@lists.phxlinux.org
> <mailto:plug-discuss@lists.phxlinux.org>> wrote:
> Does anyone out in PLUG land have a Unifi USG gateway
> and Century Link
> fiber installed.
> There are many discussions on the google machine each
> person has a
> slightly different setting.
> I am an experienced amature, but usually muddle my way
> through things.
> If someone who has done this and can walk me through
> it I would be grateful.
> Mush appreciate
> Carlton Brooks
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> A mouse trap, placed on top of your alarm clock, will prevent you
> from rolling over and going back to sleep after you hit the snooze
> button.
> Stephen
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Donald "Mac" McCarthy
Director, Field Operations
Open Source Context

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