Well, I know someone who is extending his wifi from his office to his house - WELL over ½ mile, and probably closer to 1 mile. So going next door should be not an issue, really.
Think Pringles can antennas… On both ends. Not sure what else he uses. I’ll ask if you need more info.
Personally, I’d avoid power line Ethernet - does anyone have experience with this? Is it as bad as I think it should be?
Rusty Carruth
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On Sun, Oct 13, 2019 at 8:50 PM, David Schwartz
<newsletters@thetoolwiz.com> wrote:
I have a friend I’m trying to help out and need some info on stuff related to extending WiFi.
Long story short, his internet got cut off and his neighbor says he can hook into his WiFi signal.
The thing is, he’s got a router and a bunch of doohickeys already set up to connect to it.
In an ideal world, I’d run a CAT5 cable from the neighbor’s router to the WAN port on his router and we’d be done with it. But that’s not really an option.
The neighbor’s WiFi signal at his router is too weak to pick up inside the his house. The signal isn’t too bad in the driveway which adjoins the neighbor’s house, tho.
So I’m thinking about getting a range extender with an Ethernet plug on it and plugging it into a plug in the driveway; then getting a powerline ethernt adapter and plugging the two together via a short Ethernet cable.
Range Extender:
Powerline Ethernet Adapter:
The other powerline ethernet adapter would plug in by his router, and I’d run an Ethernet cable from it to his router’s WAN port. (or one of the router ports?)
This uses the extender to receive the neighbor’s WiFi signal, but I’m not connecting to it otherwise. It sends it via the home’s power grid directly to the guy’s router.
Is there any reason this wouldn’t work?
A possibly simpler option is this, which has a repeater and powerline adapter rolled into one:
The thing is, it’s sort of backwards from what I need.
It’s designed to plug a powerline adapter into the Ethernet port of a router, put the signal onto the powerline, then the other end comes out as a WiFi repeater.
I need the WiFi repeater to connect to the neighbor’s router via WiFi, and have it be the WAN source on the other end with this guy’s router.
I’m open to other options as well, if anybody has any suggestions. (I’m looking into how RVers do this, for example.)
-David Schwartz
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