Power line networking is basically wifi over your power. If you have clean
power then it's pretty good. If not it's worse than 3g.
On Mon, Oct 14, 2019, 6:28 PM Carruth, Rusty <
> Well, I know someone who is extending his wifi from his office to his
> house - WELL over ½ mile, and probably closer to 1 mile. So going next
> door should be not an issue, really.
> Think Pringles can antennas… On both ends. Not sure what else he uses.
> I’ll ask if you need more info.
> Personally, I’d avoid power line Ethernet - does anyone have experience
> with this? Is it as bad as I think it should be?
> Rusty Carruth
> Rusty Carruth | Principal Customer Support Engineer
> Office: 510-624-5391 | Fax: 480-926-5579
> Email: rusty.carruth@smartm.com
> http://www.smartm.com
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> On Sun, Oct 13, 2019 at 8:50 PM, David Schwartz
> <newsletters@thetoolwiz.com> wrote:
> I have a friend I’m trying to help out and need some info on stuff related
> to extending WiFi.
> Long story short, his internet got cut off and his neighbor says he can
> hook into his WiFi signal.
> The thing is, he’s got a router and a bunch of doohickeys already set up
> to connect to it.
> In an ideal world, I’d run a CAT5 cable from the neighbor’s router to the
> WAN port on his router and we’d be done with it. But that’s not really an
> option.
> The neighbor’s WiFi signal at his router is too weak to pick up inside the
> his house. The signal isn’t too bad in the driveway which adjoins the
> neighbor’s house, tho.
> So I’m thinking about getting a range extender with an Ethernet plug on it
> and plugging it into a plug in the driveway; then getting a powerline
> ethernt adapter and plugging the two together via a short Ethernet cable.
> Range Extender:
> https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00L0YLRUW
> <https://u2206659.ct.sendgrid.net/wf/click?upn=3cK2FVJjyu2N-2Bxco034fZnhSHBqYOcy4zNJEMDFjzvdyPUQRygVV7beLomE58Eg-2B_6lpMB7VLnN-2Fj9-2FEErg8-2F-2BMBpb5QxlByTgv2M3fbWD9ebvC-2BWrN3h7jImK8EVWYBeoEbdgXSBkalq3fhGKh5Rmt7rAYF5YpzSPskXdQgn86ArgxFUIeLnJGnNmKI0755PCk3qEP2mR6T2pbw7cfFMcVUByTfRjbPvgFQGGc1htu-2FGM7BqIMxHdC8-2FtVy7TLI0tQmTSkvanPrvzRKCMmkzlQcocak-2BCvELnMl0NXnIEPI-3D>
> Powerline Ethernet Adapter:
> https://www.amazon.com/TP-Link-AV600-Powerline-Ethernet-Adapter/dp/B00AWRUICG/
> <https://u2206659.ct.sendgrid.net/wf/click?upn=3cK2FVJjyu2N-2Bxco034fZtjxsZMWtW1gb0vm9uQVS9UzDKNkGw1BP1yX7YW2eVZBKPG1HlNQgJvlZU1rkivgpLUWusMIei-2Bvp6HA47LGv42UaeiqQorF8K6i1VWXNTXL_6lpMB7VLnN-2Fj9-2FEErg8-2F-2BMBpb5QxlByTgv2M3fbWD9ebvC-2BWrN3h7jImK8EVWYBeoEbdgXSBkalq3fhGKh5Rml-2BdDmY2N2zJozczJHiTXmj2CJrUaeRMTPe5GsHk20e77JKg5QjWG1IB-2BYiIt8h23NcwnzvLdbmBgtRRiqOAyecxvzf64yi1-2BNGpioNuwZqhCxNe9oqI4648IbjaU1L3uGCmzKjJ6t7-2FNVPk6iQdSS4-3D>
> The other powerline ethernet adapter would plug in by his router, and I’d
> run an Ethernet cable from it to his router’s WAN port. (or one of the
> router ports?)
> This uses the extender to receive the neighbor’s WiFi signal, but I’m not
> connecting to it otherwise. It sends it via the home’s power grid directly
> to the guy’s router.
> Is there any reason this wouldn’t work?
> A possibly simpler option is this, which has a repeater and powerline
> adapter rolled into one:
> https://www.amazon.com/dp/B078PH3QBD
> <https://u2206659.ct.sendgrid.net/wf/click?upn=3cK2FVJjyu2N-2Bxco034fZnhSHBqYOcy4zNJEMDFjzvd09SvBIwK3YXyQrzTNc8NW_6lpMB7VLnN-2Fj9-2FEErg8-2F-2BMBpb5QxlByTgv2M3fbWD9ebvC-2BWrN3h7jImK8EVWYBeoEbdgXSBkalq3fhGKh5RmqGDs7-2B-2BygGxauKNONN6fVr7Xqc4d-2FWxHDdTN-2BHeXxAeLoD9Yy0-2BJ-2BZUG0UUxQJkH3TcVZ44C436aSebwoKdo7fbjoP0oXQFafSEW7xiEwthPasrm4td8TFfNxoJnHi6OwkbigyvnQIiQitCgXAxdKw-3D>
> The thing is, it’s sort of backwards from what I need.
> It’s designed to plug a powerline adapter into the Ethernet port of a
> router, put the signal onto the powerline, then the other end comes out as
> a WiFi repeater.
> I need the WiFi repeater to connect to the neighbor’s router via WiFi, and
> have it be the WAN source on the other end with this guy’s router.
> I’m open to other options as well, if anybody has any suggestions. (I’m
> looking into how RVers do this, for example.)
> -David Schwartz
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