PLUG Meeting for June 8th
This month Phil Waclawski will give us an introduction to Krita
and Ed Nicholson will explain DNSSEC and NTPsec
*For more info, Meeting time and location see:**
** ****
*Phil Waclawski: Krita Basics: Tools, Layers, Coloring etc*
Krita is a powerful painting program, designed for graphic designers and
general artists. I will introduce the basic features it provides, along
with some special filters, including G'mic. I will however not be able
to demonstrate any artistic skills :)
*About Phil*:
Phil has been a faculty member, focusing on open source software at MCC
for nearly two decades.
Phil teaches a variety of course, including MySQL Database, PHP, Python,
Javascript, HTML 5 and CSS, Linux OS, Internet Server Set up and more.
This summer, Phil will once again be offering a "MCC Multimedia Madness"
summer camp for 6-8th graders. Over the two weeks I will cover a wide
range of open source software, including GIMP, Inkscape, Krita,
Audacity, Blender, Hydrogen Drum Kit, Tux Guitar, Openshot, Linux
Multimedia Studio, work with green screen and more.
For hobbies, Phil has too many. Blacksmithing, archery, Leatherworking,
Wood Working, Jewelry, Sound Recording/editing and SCUBA diving. Phil is
also learning to play the Bass.
Phil has been using linux at home for desktops and servers since 1994.
*Ed Nicholson: DNSSEC DANE & NTPsec - Trust but Verify
*DNSSEC DANE and NTPsec - The basic infrastructure of the Internet
hasn't seen such significant improvement since Jon Postel's
contributions to the original DNS RFCs. DNSSEC is operational
authentication of information served by authoritative DNS servers. This
is the dawn of the believable Internet. An important consequence has
been the emergence of DANE or DNS-based Authentication of Named
Entities. And that adds confidentiality to believability. Even as
Internet naming gains this new robustness, similar efforts are improving
our access to time services with the NTPsec project. While not all
Internet infrastructure has left the era of blind trust, the names and
times we depend on are now things we can verify. This presentation is
about consuming and deploying DNSSEC DANE and NTPsec services.
*About Ed:*
Ed has been involved with Free Software for some time. His interests are
in how people, organizations and populations use, create and experience
information. He enjoys The Prescott National Forest as his "office" and
The Valley of The Sun as a home away from home. Personal systems run
either Fedora, Project Atomic, Android or OpenBSD.
The meeting will start at 7pm at The Desert Breeze Substation. People
start arriving as early as 6pm, so if you would like to help setup
and/or chat for a while, arrive a little early.
*Meeting Location*:
Desert Breeze Substation
251 North Desert Breeze Blvd West
Chandler, AZ 85226
The Desert Breeze Substation is on Chandler Blvd and Desert Breeze Blvd,
which is half way between McClintock and Rural. It is very close to
both the south 202 and 101 freeways. Public transportation is
available into the late hours.
For more information see the meeting information on our web site
Contact PLUG:
We will go for food to BJs at the Chandler Fashion Center Mall after the
meeting so we can chat with each other comfortably. Please feel free to
join us. Please come even if you aren't hungry, the food is not mandatory.
See you there,
Brian Cluff

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