PLUG Meeting for October 12th
We'll have 2 presentations this month:
Joseph Sinclair will present Modern C++ on Linux
Ed Nicholson will present Project Atomic and Immutable Linux
*For more info, Meeting time and location see:*
** ****
*Joseph Sinclair: Modern C++ on Linux**
C++ today is very different from what it was just a few years ago. The
revitalized and fast-moving (for ISO) standards process as well as major
changes both to the language core and the standard library have produced
almost a new language.
This presentation is a practitioner's perspective on the state of C++
development on Linux platforms today, the recent standards improvements,
how "good" C++ idiom today looks almost nothing like "good" C++ from 15
year ago, and perhaps a bit about all the ways C++ code is done badly.
No slides, but some live code samples are possible.
Joseph Sinclair is a software engineer, long-time linux user, and
general all-around tech head. He occasionally wonders what it would be
like to dream in binary, and sometimes remembers that most people don't
actually know what a convolution code is or why 8b10b encoding is important.
*Ed Nicholson: Project Atomic and Immutable Linux*
This presentation is about the changes to a system's life cycle as an
Immutable Linux such as Fedora-Atomic.
Immutability of a system has been an objective for some time, and with
good reason. The shift in deployments to containers has made this a
critical feature for the stability and manageability of the large number
of systems that support the services we have today. We will look at how
this has resulted in some very basic changes to a typical systems life
cycle and how easy it is for you to have your own container ready servers.
Ed has been involved with Free Software and how people, organizations
and populations use, create and experience information. Ed enjoys The
Prescott National Forest as his "office" and The Valley of The Sun as a
home away from home. His personal systems run either Fedora, Project
Atomic, Android or OpenBSD.
The meeting will start at 7pm at The Desert Breeze Substation. People
start arriving as early as 6pm, so if you would like to help setup
and/or chat for a while, arrive a little early.
*Meeting Location*:
Desert Breeze Substation
251 North Desert Breeze Blvd West
Chandler, AZ 85226
The Desert Breeze Substation is on Chandler Blvd and Desert Breeze Blvd,
which is half way between McClintock and Rural. It is very close to
both the south 202 and 101 freeways. Public transportation is
available into the late hours.
For more information see the meeting information on our web site
Contact PLUG:
We will go for food to BJs at the Chandler Fashion Center Mall after the
meeting so we can chat with each other comfortably. Please feel free to
join us. Please come even if you aren't hungry, the food is not mandatory.
See you there,
Brian Cluff

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