I'll be bringing as assortment of Spanish Tortillas (Not the kind the
wrap burritos, those are Mexican tortillas and waaaaaaay different).
Brian Cluff
On 12/14/2017 01:16 PM, Shawn Badger wrote:
> I am bringing paper plates and utensils for tonight's meeting.
> What is everyone else brining?
> PLUG's end of year party - December 14th
> ****
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> It's December and time for our annual end of year pot luck.
> Bring friends and family.
> It's a pot luck, so bring some food or drinks to share if you can.
> It's a holiday party, meaning we'll likely have tons of snacks and
> deserts. This presents an opportunity to bring a main course, salad or
> veggie side dish. Or, cupcakes or pie if you prefer :).
> We still meet at Desert Breeze.
> Since we're eating for the party, we will not go out to a restaurant
> afterwards.
> No alcohol.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The meeting will start at 7pm at The Desert Breeze Substation. People
> start arriving as early as 6pm, so if you would like to help setup
> and/or chat for a while, arrive a little early.
> *Meeting Location*:
> Desert Breeze Substation
> 251 North Desert Breeze Blvd West
> Chandler, AZ 85226
> The Desert Breeze Substation is on Chandler Blvd and Desert Breeze
> Blvd, which is half way between McClintock and Rural. It is very
> close to both the south 202 and 101 freeways. Public transportation is
> available into the late hours.
> For more information see the meeting information on our web site
> <http://phxlinux.org/meetings/14-east-valley-meeting.html>
> Contact PLUG:
> Email: https://phxlinux.org/index.php/email-lists.html
> <https://phxlinux.org/index.php/email-lists.html>
> IRC: https://phxlinux.org/index.php/chat.html
> <https://phxlinux.org/index.php/chat.html>
> Google+: https://plus.google.com/+PhxlinuxOrg
> <https://plus.google.com/+PhxlinuxOrg>
> Meetup: http://www.meetup.com/Phoenix-Linux-Users-Group/
> <http://www.meetup.com/Phoenix-Linux-Users-Group/>
> <https://www.google.com/maps/place/251+Desert+Breeze+Blvd+W,+Chandler,+AZ+85226/@33.3076899,-111.9220921,17z/data=%214m5%213m4%211s0x872b06cdd50c43c7:0x7d3e9c66bdb7f8a2%218m2%213d33.3070191%214d-111.9193025?hl=en>
> See you there,
> Brian Cluff
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> PLUG Website at http://plug.phoenix.az.us
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